
Nuclear Power Concrete Technology

This research program provides new knowledge for managing concrete structures at both Swedish and Finnish nuclear power plants. The purpose is to safeguard the entire life of the structures whilst ensuring safe, reliable and cost-effective operations. In order to do that, we need to build new expertise in concrete technology.

We also contribute to building expertise in the nuclear industry, the government, universities and high schools. Our program includes both doctoral projects and contract research. The focus of the research is to:

• investigate local climates in the reactor inclusion to identify environments that cause degradation and affect the density of the enclosure
• develop tools for studying clamping cables and sealing plates
• verify calculation tools used in the reactor inclusion
• investigate safety-related issues in the waterways

News update

New method for investigating concrete structures in nuclear power plants

Nuclear power, which accounts for about 30% of Sweden's electricity production, plays a crucial role in delivering fossil-free electricity. As many nuclear power plants are approaching the end of their planned lifetime, it is crucial to extend their operating periods to meet current and future needs. Markus Nilsson at Lund University has spent four years investigating how non-linear ultrasonic methods can be used to detect and assess corrosion in concrete-embedded containment liners in nuclear power plants. The work has resulted in a doctoral thesis.

24 feb 2025

Nuclear beyond electricity report explores new possibilities for nuclear power

Nuclear reactors fundamentally produce heat. But the heat can be used for more than producing electricity and thereby satisfying other needs in the energy sector.

8 jul 2022

News archive

Area Manager

Karin Westling
+468-677 27 68


Karlstads Energi
Skellefteå Kraft

SKB Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB
SSM Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten

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More reports

More reports in Swedish are available on the Swedish version of the Concrete program website. Access them here